follow me peeps !


im not the brightest or genius student but i had tried my best im not the the popular or famous student but atleast my friends know me well im not good but im not too evil im not going to say that im perfect because i also make mistake often that how i am how you treat me is depends on you :)

thankyou :)

ditag oleh si adik farina
toing-toing >.<
akak suka masak tak?
suka tapi .. lebih suka bila mak masak :p
kenapa minat jadi doctor?
sebab doktor banyak duit ~
senaraikan 5 orang yg disayangi
mak,bapak,gucci,allif omar,vanessa :)
suka amik gambar?
saje je . suka tgk hasil gamba yg diamik bhaa

7 perkara tentang diri anda
suka denga tak suka brcakap
suka menjawab tak suka bertanya
suka makan makanan yg pedas dn masam
seorang yg gayat .. hehe
suka mengalah tapi pantang dicabar
suka melancong tak kira kemana pun